
Athletes begin with their firearm at a low ready. When the timer beeps the athlete shoots a group 5 steel targets as fast as possible. Targets vary in range from 10 yards to 25 yards and in size from 10” rounds to 12”x18” rectangles. Athletes complete both as individuals and in squads of 4.

A match consists of 4 groups of 5 targets arranged in different patterns. Athletes shoot each group of targets 5 times, with their slowest time dropped.

The Scholastic Action Shooting Program is proud to offer a sporting world in which young participants from grade school through college can compete and grow in a sport that offers a truly level playing field.  With no such thing as being "benched", participants develop skills and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Youth may participate in Action Shooting using .22 rifles, .22 handguns, pistol caliber carbines (PCC), and/or centerfire handguns.  Action Shooting targets are steel circle or rectangular plates.  Much like football, baseball, basketball, and track, school teams and conferences are gaining in popularity across the country.

The most recent SASP National Championship has over 2200 entries making it the largest steel plate match ever held.

We are proud that the SASP team from DBCL/Hartford are the 2021 US National Champions!  Varsity National Champions in both Optics Rifle and Pistol Caliber Carbine!

For more details contact Dan Hurda.